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Solace News

Solace News

The latest from Solace

A round-up of all of the latest articles and features including references to Solace and our spokespeople.

If you have a media enquiry send an email to Senior Policy Officer David Paine at

Solace Play Report: Councils poised to deliver Government’s missions if properly supported

The Government’s five missions will be impossible without Councils playing a significant role in delivery, a new report from Solace argues, though it will require swift action from Ministers to deliver a sustainable financial package for the sector, investment in its workforce and a heightened focus on prevention to recover. Entitled ‘Play’, the report represents […]

Solace Statement on the Local Elections 2024

The whole team at Solace would like to express our sincere gratitude for the hard work of Returning Officers and their elections teams up and down the country in ensuring the smooth and safe running of the latest round of elections. Mark Heath, Solace lead spokesperson for Elections and Democratic Renewal, commented on these achievements […]

Solace Rewind report on the changing role of the council chief executive

To celebrate Solace’s 50th anniversary, we are delighted to launch the first of three reports to be released this year. Entitled ‘Rewind’, this first report explores how the role of the council chief executive has evolved over the last five decades. Comprised of nearly 20 articles written by distinguished former chief executives, including a number […]

Solace Statement on the 2024 Budget

Responding to the Chancellor’s Budget, Patrick Melia, Solace spokesperson for local government finance, said: “It is disappointing that among all the measures announced in the Budget the Government has, once again, failed to properly address the extreme financial pressures facing local government. Councils have to operate within a long-outdated finance system in need of fundamental […]

Solace statement on local government finance update

Responding to the Secretary of State’s update on local government finance, Solace President Matt Prosser said: “The additional funding announced today for the next financial year is welcome and it will go some way to help hard-pressed councils address acute funding pressures across a range of services experiencing high demand, increasing costs and complexity. Looking […]

Solace statement on Local Government Finance Settlement

In response to the 2023 Local Government Finance Settlement, Patrick Melia, Solace spokesperson for Finance, said: “Seeing the local government financial settlement, despite the best efforts of civil servants, once again published in the last week before Christmas is not helpful. But even less welcome is the content of the settlement. “Local authorities right across […]

Solace response to the Autumn Statement

Responding to the Autumn Statement Solace Managing Director Graeme McDonald said: “All the independent analysis shows significant and growing gaps in council budgets, increasing numbers of which are in financial crisis through no fault of their own. A large part of this problem is due to rising demand for adults and, particularly, children’s social care, […]

Solace statement on Electoral Commission’s report on Impact of Voter ID

Responding to the Electoral Commission’s report on the impact of Voter ID on local elections, Mark Heath, Solace spokesperson for Elections & Democratic Renewal said: “We welcome the release of this report and commend Returning Officers and their teams who, as always, did a thoroughly professional job in the May 2023 elections. However, the introduction […]

Solace and British Heart Foundation Join Forces to Raise £10,000 for Life-Saving Research and Support

Solace, a leading organisation dedicated to supporting local government, has partnered with the British Heart Foundation (BHF), one of the UK’s most prominent charitable organisations focused on heart health. The partnership aims to raise £10,000 in donations by March 31, 2024, to support vital research, preventative education campaigns, and direct support for individuals affected by […]

Local chiefs call on Government to “release the handbrake” on economic growth

Councils should be given statutory powers over economic development so they can more effectively help create high-quality jobs, attract investment into local areas, and turbocharge the UK plc. The joint call by Solace and the Institute for Economic Development (IED) comes as the UK’s Real Estate Investment & Infrastructure Forum (UKREiiF) gets underway in Leeds […]

Solace response to adult social care white paper plan

Responding to the adult social care white paper plan, Solace health & social care spokesperson Dwayne Johnson, said: “It’s disappointing to hear about the decision by the Department of Health & Social Care to reduce funding to what was originally committed to support much needed reforms in social care. Whilst we still need to understand […]

Solace statement on the 2023 Budget

Responding to the Chancellor’s 2023 Budget, Solace local government finance spokesperson Patrick Melia said: “This Budget contains some helpful measures for councils and communities they serve but sadly it does nothing to address wider concerns about the longer-term sustainability of not just local authorities but many parts of the country. “Plans to devolve more powers […]

Overcoming Electric Vehicle Charging challenges

Solace and our business partner Zest recently held a roundtable to help understand how councils can build a fair and equitable electric vehicle (EV) network that ensures that all parts of the UK can transition to an electric vehicle. Following that discussion, Solace deputy spokesperson for Economic Prosperity, Amy Harhoff, penned a piece for the […]

Solace response to The Staff College’s ‘Leading For Longer’ report

Solace has responded to The Staff College’s ‘Leading For Longer’ report, which highlights the factors impacting on the turnover of Directors of Children’s Services. The report was commissioned on behalf of the Department for Education. Solace Managing Director Graeme McDonald said: “This excellent report opens the lid on the factors impacting senior local government roles […]

The Sustainability Shift: People

Solace are very excited to have contributed to our business partner, Zurich Municipal latest whitepaper called The Sustainability Shift: People. We know that the public and voluntary sectors face many of the same challenges, from workforce resilience to embedding sustainability into their community. In this whitepaper, Zurich Municipal take a look at some of those key […]

Solace response to the Children’s Social Care Implementation Strategy

Ade Adetosoye, Solace spokesperson for Children & Families, said: “After engaging extensively with the reviews by Josh MacAlister and the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel it’s positive to see progress on some of their respective recommendations. “Prioritising more help and support for families is something Solace has called for, albeit on a wider scale than […]


Patrick Melia, Solace spokesperson for local government finance, said: “While we’re aware officials have done all that they can to provide councils with as much detail as early as possible, the fact remains the local government finance settlement is, once again, only being published in full the week before Christmas – despite the fact the […]

Solace signs up to the Centre for Ageing Better Age-friendly Employer Pledge

Solace is delighted to have signed up to the Age-friendly Employer Pledge – a new nationwide programme run by the Centre for Ageing Better to make workplaces age-friendly. We are among the first businesses and organisations in the country to sign the pledge to show our commitment to older workers. We will be working with […]

Solace survey finds nine in ten council Chief Executives and senior managers think the Autumn Statement will negatively impact their residents

A survey conducted by Solace, the membership body for local government chief executives and other public sector professionals in the UK, has found that nearly nine in ten (87%) council Chief Executives and senior managers think that the Autumn Statement will have a negative or extremely negative impact on their residents. Asked specifically about their […]

Solace response to the Autumn Statement

Responding to today’s Autumn Statement, Patrick Melia, Solace spokesperson for finance, said: “We look forward to seeing the detail of today’s announcements on social care funding for local government but the headline figures are promising. However the fact is that councils across the country – who are operating against a backdrop of rampant inflation and […]

Solace statement ahead of the Autumn Statement

Solace president Joanne Roney has today warned the Government against real-term cuts to local government funding in Thursday’s Autumn Statement. She said: “Councils are already under huge financial pressure due to high inflation most notably in energy prices, but also significant ongoing growth in demand for local public services. It is local government that steps […]

Next Solace President and new Policy Board announced

Matt Prosser has been announced as the next President of Solace, the representative body for more than 1,600 chief executives and senior managers working in the public sector in the UK. The decision was confirmed during Solace’s Annual General Meeting at Solace Summit in Birmingham today (13 October), at which Solace’s refreshed Policy Board, including […]

Solace statement on changes to IR35

Graeme McDonald, Solace Managing Director, said: “Solace has been answering lots of questions about the Chancellor’s announcement in relation to removing the IR35 regulations from colleagues across the country, so it is clearly an issue that is front of people’s minds. “Removing the IR35 regulations levels the playing field between sectors and will bring some […]

Solace response to the Chancellor’s Growth Plan

In response to the Chancellor’s announcements today, Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for Local Government Finance, and Chief Executive at Coventry City Council, said: “While Government announcements in relation to tax cuts and a cap on energy costs will go some way to easing the financial pressure on households, the sharp spike in the cost of […]

Solace response to the 2022 Queen’s Speech

Joanne Roney, Solace President, said: “Up and down the country councils and our communities are still contending with the many challenges presented by the Covid 19 pandemic and are now grappling with a cost of living crisis that only makes that recovery harder. “Local government will have a vital role to play in getting the […]

Solace statement on local elections 2022

The whole team at Solace would like to express our sincere gratitude for the hard work of Solace members and their colleagues up and down the country in ensuring the smooth and safe running of our local democracy in the latest round of elections. Louise Round, Solace lead spokesperson for Elections and Democracy, has reflected […]

Solace 2022 Spring Statement response

In response to the 2022 Spring Statement, Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for Local Government Finance, said: “From the frontline it feels like we’re in a state of permanent emergency – even if it feels like Coronavirus has gone away, it has not and now we’re facing an economic emergency too. “While the Chancellor’s announcements on […]

Solace statement on the levelling up white paper

Responding to the publication of the Government’s levelling up white paper, Joanne Roney, Solace President, said: “Levelling up the country is a concept we in local government very much support and today’s white paper is a positive step forward which we can all build on. “It is great to see the focus on broadening and […]

Solace statement on latest IFS research

In response to the Institute for Fiscal Studies’ latest report, published today, about the impact of the pandemic on councils’ finances, Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for local government finance, said: “While council budgets might have held up better than expected during the first year of the pandemic this does not mean councils’ finances are in […]

Solace statement on Local Government Finance Settlement

Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for local government finance, said: “It is frustrating that the Government – having outlined a three-year spending envelope at the Spending Review – has not only provided a one-year deal, but once again left it to the last minute to tell the sector about it. “While providing some extra money is […]

Solace calls for a finance Commission

Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for local government finance, said: “The sector is this week expecting the provisional local government finance settlement to be published. “Whatever the settlement brings us, the more significant issue is that council services continue to tread water amidst the unpredictable and unstable seas of the current funding system. It is universally […]

Solace statement on adult social care white paper

Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Health & Social Care, said: “We welcome the publication of the Government’s adult social care white paper which contains plenty of ambition and ideas to improve the system, especially for those who need to use it, and begin to address the growing workforce crisis facing the sector. “This is, as […]

A statement on the vaccine deadline for care home staff

The programme to vaccinate those working in care homes has been a success. By working together in close partnership, local government, the NHS and care homes have managed to vaccinate more carers than expected given the demographic make-up of the workforce. While some of the residential care workforce are not yet vaccinated, this is only […]

Solace statement on Spending Review 2021

In response to the 2021 Budget and Spending Review, Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for Local Government Finance, said: “Solace has long called for sufficiency and certainty so an extra investment of £4.8bn in local government over three years is, on the face of it, welcome. “This significant shift in spending shows the Chancellor has recognised […]

Spending Review must address local government workforce crisis

Local Government is facing a multi-dimensional workforce capacity and capability crisis that must be addressed in the forthcoming Spending Review, says Solace, the leading members’ network for local government chief executives and other public sector professionals in the UK. In its submission, published today, which includes data from a survey of members, Solace has identified […]

Solace response to Government announcement on social care

Paul Najsarek, Solace’s spokesperson for Health & Social Care, said: “We welcome today’s announcement as a long-overdue step towards addressing the creaking social care system and the Government’s pledge to invest an additional £5.4bn to support that system. But we are concerned that the bulk of this money will not kick in until 2023 and […]

Integration excellence proven to improve peoples’ lives highlighted in new Solace report

Solace is today (Sept 3 2021) proud to launch our new report ‘Delivering together for residents: How collaborative working in places and communities can make a difference’. This new publication captures emerging best practice from eight local partnerships across the country where local government working with colleagues in health, housing and the voluntary sectors are […]

Joint roundtable with Civica – All in it together.

Recently, Solace and our business partner Civica  held a virtual roundtable with some of the digital leaders in local government to discuss how they’re using digital to help tackle local challenges and how they’re thinking about the associated issues around staffing, data standards and ethics. You can read the eight key transformation takeaways from the […]

Leading the Recovery: High Streets and Town Centres

City centres are faced with a new dynamic as remote working becomes a norm in sectors that would traditionally occupy our urban and suburban cores and market towns. The Global Consumer Tracker shows that nearly 30% of consumers across the UK now shop online for food whilst high street institutions are lost or fast contracting […]

Solace Statement on the need for Electoral reform

Solace Elections & Democratic Renewal spokesperson Louise Round said: “We welcome the Association of Electoral Administrators’ detailed analysis of the May 2021 polls and their highlighting of the huge challenges faced by Returning Officers and their teams in delivering the most complicated set of elections in decades. We strongly support calls for radical reforms to […]

Solace statement on the Elections Bill

Responding to the introduction of the Elections Bill in Parliament earlier this week, Solace Elections & Democratic Renewal spokesperson Louise Round said: “This Elections Bill addresses some matters we agree with, as well as some where we have considerable reservations such as Voter ID – but it represents a missed opportunity. “We support the Law […]

Solace President responds to Pat Ritchie’s decision to step down

After Newcastle City Council Chief Executive Pat Ritchie announced she is standing down from her role later in the year Joanne Roney, Solace President, said: “Pat has been, and remains, an exemplary civil servant and local government will be very sorry to see her go. “She has been an incredibly effective and dynamic chief executive for […]

Compulsory vaccines for care home workers response

The Department for Health & Social Care has announced its intention to bring in legislation which means anyone working in a CQC-registered care home in England must have two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine unless they have a medical exemption. In response Joanne Roney, President of Solace, said: “We understand, and support, the reasons for […]

How empathetic leadership can help local authorities chart the future of work

How empathetic leadership can help local authorities chart the future of work Local government has been on the front lines of COVID-19 relief, nimbly evolving processes to help struggling communities and meet increased service demands. And even before the pandemic, the business of government was changing faster than ever as public expectations, cost pressures and […]

Solace salutes outgoing Contain Director Carolyn Wilkins

It has been confirmed that Oldham MBC Chief Executive Dr Carolyn Wilkins will leave her role as Director of Contain within the Department for Health & Social Care. She will be replaced by Tony McArdle. Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Health & Social Care, said: “During a critical time for the country and for our […]

Solace Comments on the Public Accounts Committee’s Report on Local Government Finance during Covid-19

Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for Local Government Finance, said: “We welcome this important and timely report from the Public Accounts Committee, and agree with its conclusions that the Government’s over optimism about local government’s financial resilience against the pressures of the pandemic has led to reductions in local services. We also agree that there have […]

Sustainability – how to make buildings more sustainable

Next step ideas With buildings accounting for 30% of UK emissions, the path to net zero for any local authority requires the issue to be taken seriously. Solace were recently approached by business partners Lloyds Bank and Bevan Brittan with some ideas and solutions they wished to share. This resulted in a workshop hosted by […]

Solace Responds to Planning Reforms Announced in Queen’s Speech

Tom Stannard, Solace deputy spokesperson for Infrastructure and Planning & Chief Executive of Salford City Council, said: “If the Government is serious about solving the housing crisis and delivering its target of 300,000 new homes a year, simply aiming to accelerate the planning process misses the main driver of slow build-out rates. “With councils approving […]

Solace President responds to Queen’s Speech

Joanne Roney, Solace President, said: “From skills to the environment; health to housing and planning; local government will have a vital role to play in much of the Government’s ambitious agenda. “But, as a country, we will be seriously hampered in our ability to improve peoples’ life chances and catalyse local economies if we fail […]

Solace statement on proposal for compulsory vaccines for care workers

In response to the Department for Health & Social Care’s consultation on making COVID-19 vaccination a condition of deployment in older adult care homes, Joanne Roney, President of Solace, said: “Social care and NHS services are increasingly integrated so instead of making vaccination compulsory for one part of the workforce and not the other we […]

Solace statement on the refreshed Contain Framework

The Department for Health & Social Care has today published its refreshed Contain Framework for local authorities. Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Health & Social Care, said: “Councils have played a crucial part throughout the pandemic response, and they will be vital to the recovery that follows. “The updated Contain Framework provides a strong platform […]

6 medium term challenges for Local Government in the East of England

The East of England is a highly varied region; from tourist hotspots with ageing, rural populations to commuter settlements on the periphery of London, the region faces a variety of challenges and opportunities. Solace business partner Grant Thornton  UK LLP hosted a virtual workshop with Chief Executives and senior officers representing authorities from across the […]

Solace response to Budget 2021

Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for Local Government Finance, said: “Managing the major risks facing our economy and supporting some of the sectors under the greatest pressure was always going to be the key focus of this Budget. “While more money and support for our high streets, businesses and jobs is to be welcomed, along with […]

Solace statement on public health functions

Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Health & Social Care, said: “Local government working in close partnership with our health partners has been a cornerstone of the pandemic response – neither of us can do it on our own, and each offer our unique strengths; councils leading on population health and the NHS treating illness. “Local […]

Solace response to the health white paper

Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Health & Social Care, said: “A move to strengthen the ways in which local authorities and the NHS work together is to be welcomed. It is only through genuine partnership working that we will be able to collectively deliver better outcomes for our residents, and these proposals provide a platform […]

President’s Statement on Vaccination Data

Solace President Joanne Roney has urged the Government and the NHS to work more closely with local government to ensure that we can meet the Prime Minister’s ambition of administering almost 14 million vaccinations to the most vulnerable by the middle of February. She said: “Local authorities are committed to helping our health partners and […]

Solace statement on schools

Ade Adetosoye, Solace spokesperson for Children & Families, said: “While it is far better to keep children in school, the welfare and safety of both pupils and staff must be paramount. “Schools should be supported to operate safely and ensure children and staff are protected – that is why we want all school staff to […]

Solace warns local recovery efforts constrained by ‘too little funding, too late’

Responding to the publication of the provisional local government finance settlement Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for Local Government Finance, said: “Once again, the Government has failed to listen to its own advice from the 2018 Hudson Review and left it to the last possible minute to let councils know exactly how much money they can […]

Local Government Financial Sustainability, Economic Recovery and COVID-19

Solace Business Partner Grant Thornton UK LLP held a roundtable with a group of Solace members to discuss financial sustainability and economic recovery in the context of COVID-19. The roundtable was held in mid-December, following the Spending Review announcement, but prior to the provisional financial settlement for 2021/22 being confirmed. The discussion is summarised here, […]

Solace statement on Climate Change Committee’s report

Sharon Kemp, Solace Spokesperson for Environment and Climate change, said: “This latest report from the Climate Change Committee only reinforces Solace’s view that, without the active participation of sufficiently empowered and resourced local authorities, it is unlikely the government can deliver on its net zero targets and on a green recovery. “Alongside this report, Solace, […]

Solace Statement on the Spending Review

Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for Local Government Finance, said: “While the additional funding for councils for next year is welcome this falls far short of what is needed given the extraordinary pressures the pandemic and a decade of underfunding have placed on council budgets. “Local authorities, along with our health partners, have been at the […]

Solace statement on mass testing

Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Health & Social Care, said: “Larger scale, targeted asymptomatic testing is a welcome addition to the tools for responding to the pandemic, but it is not a panacea. It has a role to play as part of a suite of solutions to help keep residents safe and local economies moving. […]

Solace Response to the HCLG Committee Finance Inquiry

This submission is based on the views of Solace’s Policy Board, which consists of 26 serving local authority chief executives and senior managers.

Solace Statement on the Government’s “Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution”

Sharon Kemp, Solace spokesperson for environment and climate change, said: “The Government’s 10-point plan for climate action is a welcome recognition of the urgency and scale of the challenges posed by the climate emergency. “Solace has already been making the case for many of these proposals, from decarbonising homes and transport, to investing in renewable […]

Fifth of councils face financial precipice

One in five (19%) Local Authority Chief Executives predict their council will have to issue a Section 114 notice – the formal declaration that a council does not have sufficient resources to match their spending needs – by the end of next financial year, a Solace survey run in conjunction with BBC Newsnight has found. […]

Future High Streets Fund

Solace Business Partner Inner Circle Consulting have recently published a case study on their work supporting a Future High Streets Fund application with Wiltshire Council. Their team focused on historic Trowbridge, drafting a bid that skillfully balances the needs of the local community with the requirements of the funder. Pending a successful outcome from the […]

Solace Business Partner Zurich Municipal

Fire continues to be a significant risk for organisations, and something that must be treated with the severity it deserves. Zurich Municipal have created a series of videos to raise awareness and increase understanding of this important topic. Find out the measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of Arson.  Watch here:  Protecting […]

How local authorities can prepare for coming challenges

Solace Business Partner, Grant Thornton has advised that local authorities face an uncertain 2021, according to their new financial foresight report, produced in collaboration with CIPFA. Phil Woolley and Jeffrey Matsu from CIPFA look at the current circumstances and how local councils can prepare for the future. Approaching six months into lockdown, local authorities have […]

Solace Business Partner, Shaw Trust is growing!

Solace Business Partner, Shaw Trust, the largest charitable organisation in the employability sector, is growing to meet demand for its services. Expanding its workforce to support people affected by the pandemic, the charity has specialised in helping young people and adults into work for more than 30 years. In the past few months, the UK […]

Investing in your existing housing stock post-pandemic

The Covid-19 crisis has disproportionately affected social housing tenants on any number of measures. After talking to a number of local authorities and Registered Providers about how best to target investment in their housing stock, Solace business partner Inner Circle have summarised learnings from these discussions and introduce a toolkit for others in thinking about investment […]

Zurich Municipal Whitepaper: The Climate Change Challenge

Solace Business Partner, Zurich Municipal, have launched their latest whitepaper called  ‘The Climate Change Challenge‘. The whitepaper aims to spark conversation and discusses strategies to help public and voluntary organisations manage and mitigate climate change risk. To find out more read ‘The Climate Change Challenge‘ article from Zurich Muncipal.  

Reflect. Reset.
Re-Imagine. A week of immersive virtual learning.

Are you a forward-thinking professional looking to expand your knowledge, enhance your skillset, and grow your network? Would you benefit from the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and forward-thinking organisations in a space where you can share ideas and take important steps towards driving change?  Have we piqued your interest? Then mark your calendars for the 12th-16th October […]

Solace response to Chancellor’s Summer Statement

Katherine Fairclough, deputy Solace spokesperson for Local Government Finance, said:  “Announcements in relation to tackling youth unemployment, increasing apprenticeships and getting people back into work are welcome but the role of councils will be critical if we are to create jobs at the speed and scale required to help our communities recover. “While the focus […]

Solace statement on latest Covid-19 funding package for councils

Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for Local Government Finance, said: “Solace welcomes this additional funding and initial package of financial alleviation measures in recognition of the vital additional expenditure by all local authorities on Covid-19 and the unavoidable and ongoing income losses councils are facing. “Local government has been at the heart of responding to this […]

Solace Survey: Long-term recovery from Covid will be ‘seriously hampered’ without a reset of central-local relations

Solace conducted a survey of 112 serving council chief executives and senior directors/managers between 3 June and 19 June 2020, to gain a clearer understanding of our members’ views on tackling Covid-19 and the recovery ahead. Read the full report from the survey here. Key points include: A call for Central Government to involve councils […]

Statement on Dave Hill

A statement from Martin Swales, President of Solace: On behalf of Solace I would like to express my great sadness at the devastating news of Dave Hill’s death. Dave’s zest for life and his passion for helping the most vulnerable as a Director of Children’s Services, latterly at Surrey CC, is reflected in his great […]

Statement on Mark Radford

A statement from Martin Swales, President of Solace: “On behalf of the whole Solace family, I wanted to express our sadness at the news of Mark Radford’s death. He was a valued public servant who proudly worked for the communities he served. Most recently in the role of Chief Executive, he dedicated himself to Swale […]

Statement from Martin Swales, Solace President and Chief Executive of South Tyneside Council

Following the Government’s announcement of £300 million of funding for local authorities to support the new Covid-19 test and trace service in England, Solace President Martin Swales gave the following statement: “The launch of Local Outbreak Plans is a critical shift in our Response to COVID19, which Solace strongly supports. Local Government leadership will enable […]

A bank holiday message from Solace President, Martin Swales

Today marks the 75th anniversary of VE Day and whilst the way we will honour those who gave their lives may be different to how we previously envisaged, it provides an appropriate time for us all to reflect on both the past and the future. This continues to be an extremely difficult time, both professionally […]

A message from Solace President, Martin Swales

I have always felt incredibly honoured to represent the Solace membership but in recent weeks the sense of pride that I feel as Solace President has grown even further. This continues to be an extremely difficult time, both professionally and personally, for everyone working in local government and for all other arms of the public […]

A Tribute to Sue Rawlins

It is with great sadness that we share with you one of our past colleagues, Sue Rawlins, passed away on Friday 3rd April after a short battle with cancer. Sue worked with Solace for over 20 years starting in 1999 and provided support to numerous areas of the organisation including events, member communications, Business Partners […]

Shielding the most medically vulnerable – Local support system guidance update

This is a short update on the ‘Shielding’ work MHCLG are working on with Government and LRFs to protect the most medically vulnerable. This policy was announced by the Prime Minister on Sunday – full details are here: Guidance on the Local Support System to ‘Shield’ c.1.5m most medically vulnerable One of the key […]

Tributes to past Solace Presidents

It is with great sadness that Solace reports that two past Presidents have passed away. After roles at East Suffolk Council and Hampshire CC Robin Beechey served as Chief Executive of East Sussex CC between 1973 and 1994. He was elected President of Solace in 1981. An obituary to Mr. Beechey, who moved to America […]

We Bring You The Winners Of The Public Sector Transformation Awards 2020

The Public Sector Transformation Awards are an opportunity to celebrate and share the most innovative practice in transforming local public services.  For all of us in local government, together with our private and third sector partners, living with and excelling in spite of financial pressures is a way of life.  Developing new ways of working […]

Elections Update

As you have probably seen, the Government has announced that all polls scheduled for 7 May 2020 will be postponed for 12 months. Solace’s elections spokesperson Louise Round, assisted by her deputy policy leads, is working with the Electoral Commission and the Association of Electoral Administrators on a detailed list of questions to the Cabinet […]

Solace Statement on Coronavirus

Solace has made the difficult decision to postpone all of our events until the end of April. This includes: Ignite Alumni event: National Gallery, London, 19th March Leadership Forum: BT Conference Centre, London, 2nd April Annual Charity Dinner: Globe Theatre, London, 2nd April South in the South Conference: Sutton Scotney, 23rd/24th April We regret any […]

Solace response to Budget 2020

Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for local government finance, said: “It was vital that the Government provided extra funding for local government and the NHS to support the response of our organisations and workforces to Coronavirus. It was also encouraging that the Chancellor promised additional resources as needed. These short-term challenges are on top of underlying […]

Solace President urges Chancellor ‘now is the time’ for sustainable funding

Martin Swales, Solace UK President, has urged Chancellor Rishi Sunak that now is the time to fulfil Government’s commitment to ‘level up’ and put councils on a sustainable financial footing.

Introducing Solace New Business Partner

Solace is pleased to announce a new Business Partner to the programme, IMPOWER. “We are delighted to become a Solace Business Partner. Solace and IMPOWER share the same aims of developing and promoting public sector excellence, supporting senior leaders, and influencing the debate around the future of public services through thought leadership and delivery.” IMPOWER […]

Call for ‘worrying’ life expectancy trends to spark spending shift

Responding to the launch of the report ‘Health Equity in England: Marmot Review 10 Years On’ Paul Najsarek, Solace’s Community Wellbeing spokesperson, said: “It is worrying that life expectancy has declined for some in society and yet this is avoidable – the clear message about the role of austerity in this trend is striking. “Local […]

Solace Budget 2020 Submission

Solace has urged the Government to use the upcoming Budget and Spending Review to provide councils with a truly sustainable multi-year settlement and limit the amount of new funding it distributes through one-off pots. Click through to read the full submission.

Public Sector Transformation Awards 2020

The deadline for Solace Business Partner, iESE, Public Sector Transformation Awards 2020 is coming up – don’t lose out on your chance to be rewarded for excellence in improving the lives of your residents! Apply before 31st January at  

Zurich News Round Up

Some of you may be aware that Solace Business Partner, Zurich sends out a monthly email to customers, which includes a summary of news and commentary from the UK alongside their thought-leadership articles. Zurich would like to share with you the latest issue. Please feel free to share any of the articles included with your […]

Governance Seminars with Bevan Brittan

Solace Business Partner, Bevan Brittan are holding the next round of local authority governance seminars this winter.  The sessions will last for half a day in or near each of their offices and will cover the latest developments around local authority governance and decision-making including case law, government policy, legislation and what’s on the horizon.  […]

New Year’s Message from the President

I would like to congratulate all the local government officers and elected members who have been recognised in the New Year Honours list, recognising the outstanding achievements and dedicated service of individuals to their communities over many years. Their recognition should instill immense pride in not only close family and friends, but the whole sector […]

Solace President calls on Prime Minister to focus on sustainable funding

UK Solace President Martin Swales has today written to Boris Johnson, the new Prime Minister, urging him to ‘reset the dial for Local Government’. Martin asked for the Prime Minister’s ‘commitment from day one’ and specifically asked him to: Provide councils with immediate financial certainty for next year and commit to a genuinely sustainable local […]

Solace President praises ‘remarkable’ Returning Officers

Martin Swales, Solace UK President, has congratulated Returning Officers and their election teams on successfully delivering the General Election – the first to be held in December since 1923, and the second impromptu national poll this year following May’s late arranged European Parliamentary elections. He said: “It is nothing short of remarkable how Returning Officers […]

Elections Guidance for Returning Officers

In the run-up to the General Election, the Cabinet Office has coordinated a range of security advice for Returning Officers. Many of these documents will be familiar to you and are publicly available, the Cabinet Office has pulled this together for you in one place for ease of reference. The Cabinet Office also asks for your […]

Non-Executive Director Opportunity with The King’s Fund Charity

An opportunity has arisen which we believe may be of interest to our members. The King’s Fund Charity is looking for a new Trustee to sit on its Board. Trustees are elected for a term of three years, with the possibility of renewal for a further term of three years. The Trustee Board meetings are […]

The iESE Digital Magazine

Solace business partners iESE have shared a link to their digital magazine, usually only available to iESE members, which may be of interest to Solace members and supporters. This issue of the magazine focuses on transformation and contains a variety of useful information including a transformation framework and toolkit, alongside articles and case studies. You […]

Zurich News Round Up

Some of you may be aware that Solace Business Partner, Zurich send out a monthly email to customers, which includes a summary of news and commentary from the UK alongside their thought-leadership articles. Going forward, Zurich would like to share with you the latest issue on a monthly basis. Please feel free to share any […]

Statement from Solace President on proposed winter General Election

Martin Swales, Solace UK President and Chief Executive of South Tyneside MBC, said: “A winter General Election poses a challenging set of circumstances but I am confident Returning Officers and their election teams will do their utmost to ensure the proposed forthcoming General Election will be delivered smoothly and professionally. “Solace members will be working with the Cabinet Office, MHCLG and other […]

An invitation to a Procurement event.

Bevan Brittan will be hosting its next series of procurement updates. Click on the links below to register your place: REGISTER HERE: Birmingham 04/11/2019, Bevan Brittan LLP, Interchange Place, Edmund Street, Birmingham, B3 2TA Afternoon session: Registration and lunch: 13:00 – 13:30 seminar 13:30 – 16:30 REGISTER HERE: Leeds 05/11/2019, Horizon, 2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell […]

Solace President: Entrust local government with powers and funding to deliver cross-system solutions for the future

Martin Swales, Solace UK President, has urged the Government to trust councils with powers and funding as local government is “uniquely placed in shaping places where the most adventurous trails are being blazed.” He also said local government has a key role to play in maintaining cohesive communities and delivering economic improvements post-Brexit. In his […]

Solace President responds to 2019 Queen’s Speech

Martin Swales, Solace President, said: “The Government has set out plans for reform across a number of areas of importance for councils and our communities including social care, mental health, and the environment.

Care Leaver Covenant

The Care Leaver Covenant is approaching the first anniversary of its national launch. And progress to date owes much to the way colleagues working in local government have embraced it. But as those of us leading in complex organisations know only too well, there is always more to be done – especially when it comes […]

An Invitation to Solace Members to NIHR Question Time – East Midlands

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) – the nation’s largest funder of health and care research – is keen to engage with people who live and/or work in the East Midlands to discuss the future of health and care research. This is why members of the NIHR Strategy Board will be hosting our first ever ‘Question […]

An invitation to Homes UK

  Homes UK would like to extend an invitation to our members to attend their exhibition and conference in London this November. Please see below for details. What is HOMES UK? 6,000 Attendees | 350 Speakers | 7 Theatres | 2 Days HOMES UK will look at the entire ecosystem of home building and maintenance […]

Solace Response to the 2019 Spending Round

Martin Swales, UK President of Solace, said: “Solace welcomes the short-term financial certainty that this Spending Round brings for the sector. It is encouraging that the Government has listened to our extensive work and calls for much needed clarity over local government finances, in particular, the future of crucial programmes such as the Better Care […]

Solace response to fast-track one-year Spending Round announcement

Martin Swales, President of Solace, said: “Solace has been encouraging the Government over recent months to give the sector financial certainty sooner rather than later, so the decision to hold a fast-tracked one-year Spending Round is a pragmatic outcome. “We look forward to understanding the detailed proposals, and between now and the Spending Round Solace […]

Collaborative Contract’s Don’t Work… Do They?

Join Bevan Brittan and Blake Newport for a panel debate around collaborative contracts. Collaborative Contract’s Don’t Work… Do They? What is the reality of collaborative contracts? In this session, we will discuss the pros and cons – do certain standard terms encourage a more collaborative approach? Do they go far enough? How much is the success […]

Solace response to the prevention green paper

Solace response to the prevention green paper Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Community Wellbeing, said: “A commitment to put prevention at the centre of decision-making at both a national and local level to further enhance integrated working between local authorities and the NHS for the benefit of our communities is welcomed. “We encourage the new […]

Volunteers Wanted: Environment & Climate Change

Solace has many opportunities for you to use your talents and interests to become engaged and to play a role on the national stage. We are now looking for volunteers to support our ‘Environment and Climate Change’ activities. In addition to a Chief Executive interested in formally leading the profession’s activity, we are also looking […]

2019 Interim Management Survey Results

We are delighted to announce that today, our profit for purpose subsidiary, Solace in Business has been recognised by the Institute of Interim Management (IIM) as one of the UK’s leading Interim Management service providers. Solace in Business are now ranked 6th on the IIM 2019 survey, an improvement to last year’s ranking of 7th, […]

Housebuilder Hill tackles the council housing shortage through innovative Investment Partnerships

Hill Investment Partnerships (HIP) – a subsidiary of Hill Group – is an innovative subsidiary designed to consolidate our skills and experience and work in partnership with local governments to deliver a range of affordable and market housing. At Hill we have a strong track record of delivering, with local authority partners, a variety of […]

Solace and its international partners launch report on the value of storytelling in local government

At a time when respect for traditional institutions and professional authority is in decline, public service leaders have been found to adapt their leadership techniques to take account of a radically changing world. This shift is brought to life in ‘Storytellers in chief: How top local government managers use storytelling to lead’, an empirical study […]

New Solace Leadership Lead

Solace Statement: Joanne Roney, Chief Executive of Manchester City Council, is Solace’s new lead on leadership and learning. This is a statement from Graeme McDonald, Managing Director of Solace in relation to the role:  Following Jo Miller’s recent move to New Zealand, the Solace Group Board has approved the nomination of Joanne Roney (CEO Manchester) […]

Solace is pleased to announce PA Consulting as its newest Business Partner

As an innovation and transformation consultancy with over 2,800 specialists operating globally, PA believes in the power of ingenuity to build a positive human future in a technology-driven world. Founded in 1943, PA is proud of its strong focus on working with the public sector and how its innovative thinking and breakthrough technology can help […]

Statement on the Evaluation of the Troubled Families Programme

Evidence published today by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government shows that hundreds of thousands of people have been helped by the Troubled Families Programme. Commenting on the figures Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson on Local Government Finance said: “While the sector has long been confident of the achievements of the Troubled Families Programme, […]

Spring Statement Response

Martin Reeves, Solace spokesperson for Local Government Finance, said: “We welcome the prospect of a three-year Spending Review and look forward to working with our partners to make the case for a more radical approach to the way councils are financed, including fiscal devolution and reform of local tax-raising mechanisms, so that the sustainability of […]

Martin Swales, new President of Solace, sets out his vision in annual dinner speech

Local government needs a “long term cross-departmental financial settlement” in the upcoming spending review in order to “give our communities the fairness and stability they deserve”, according to the new President of Solace, Martin Swales. Mr. Swales urged the sector to unite and “build on our existing relationships” across local and central government as the […]

Martin Swales sets out a vision for his Presidency

Last week the new Solace President spoke to the sector press about his vision for his two-year Presidency. In February, the Solace Policy Board will meet for the first time with the new President and will discuss the key challenges impacting on the sector and where Solace should focus on its policy energy over the […]

This is a statement from Martin Reeves, Solace Spokesperson for Local Government Finance, in response to the 2019/20 provisional local government finance settlement

“While it is helpful that the publication of the provisional local government finance settlement has not gone down to the wire this year, there is not much other cause for holiday cheer. We are now in the final year of a 4-year settlement, with no certainty about what the future holds. Ultimately it contains little […]

Solace Statement: Solace next President

Next month Solace will have a new President. This is a statement from Graeme Mcdonald, Managing Director of Solace in relation to the role: After two years Jo Miller (CEO Doncaster MBC) concludes her term of office as Solace President on 31st December 2018. Following a wide-ranging nomination process earlier this year, Solace members have […]

Solace Response to the Autumn Budget 2018

This is a statement from Martin Reeves, Solace Spokesperson for Local Government Finance in response to Budget 2018 on 29 October: “Today’s funding announcements for social care and potholes offer a bit of relief but do little to take local public services off the critical list. Unlike the NHS, which has been offered both multi-year […]

Solace President’s welcome speech 2018

Solace President Jo Miller’s welcome address to the Solace Summit on 17th October 2018 We’ve come a long long way together Through the hard times and the good I have to celebrate you baby I have to praise you like I should For anyone who doesn’t recognise that song, it’s “Praise You” by Fatboy Slim. […]

Statement from Martin Swales, Solace Spokesperson for Economic Prosperity and Housing, in response to the Prime Minister’s announcement at Conservative Party Conference that the HRA borrowing cap would be lifted

“It is excellent news that the Prime Minister has recognised what we have long been saying: this country will only solve the housing crisis if councils are freed to build at scale again. This vote of confidence in the sector is very welcome.” “By enabling councils to play a bigger part in increasing the supply […]

Letter from Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Wellbeing, to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Rt. Hon. Matt Hancock

To the Rt. Hon. Matt Hancock, On behalf of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (Solace), I would like to congratulate you on your appointment as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. As the representative body for over 1300 Chief Executives and Senior Managers in local government, our members […]

Statement from Martin Swales, Solace Spokesperson for Economic Prosperity and Housing, in response to the publication of the Social Housing Green Paper

“The Social Housing Green Paper represents a significant opportunity to make social housing a key part of the Government’s wider housing strategy. The content of the Green Paper now needs to be carefully considered but we welcome the fact that Government appears to have been listening to Solace and our recommendations, most notably by dropping […]

Statement from Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Wellbeing on the LGA’s green paper for adult social care and wellbeing

We support the LGA’s objective to show how local government can be at the forefront of developing pragmatic solutions, this should be the time for an informed debate with the public on the future of social care. The absence of adequate, long-term funding and reform for adult social care has already had a significant impact […]

Statement from Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Wellbeing on the announcement of the NHS 5 year funding plan

It is positive that the government has shown willingness to invest in public services and that they value the NHS. However, the absence of adequate, long-term funding for adult social care and other preventative services has already had a significant impact on increasing demand for NHS services. As a sector, we want to support people […]

Statement from Jo Miller, Solace President, on NAO’s report “Rolling out Universal Credit”

This is a statement from Jo Miller, Solace President, in response to the publication of the National Audit Office’s report, Rolling out Universal Credit: “Today’s National Audit Office report on the roll-out of Universal Credit is grim reading that regrettably does not come as a surprise to Solace members. From the start, councils have supported […]

Statement from Dave Smith, Solace Spokesperson for Elections and Democratic Renewal

On 3rd May 2018, local government elections took place in 150 councils in England, along with six mayoral contests. This year, 5 councils were also trialing voter ID pilots which required voters personal identification before casting their ballot. Final turnout figures have yet to be confirmed but reports are that they have been around 30-35 […]

Statement from Martin Reeves, Solace Spokesperson for Local Government Finance, in response to the Spring Statement

“It is very disappointing that today’s Spring Statement does nothing to alleviate the funding crisis facing local services, given the National Audit Office’s warning mere days ago that local government is fast becoming financially unsustainable. Councils have sacrificed more than any other part of the public sector to help the public finances improve but cannot […]

Statement from Martin Swales, Solace spokesperson on Economic Prosperity and Housing, in response to Theresa May’s housing speech

The Prime Minister’s recent speech tackling the supply of affordable housing is warmly welcomed. Our 2016 survey of Local Authorities identified high land value and build costs, land banking and lack of available finance as some of the main barriers to delivering housing. In order to bring the Prime Minister’s plans to life and ‘build […]

Statement from Jo Miller, Solace President, in response to the provisional 2018/19 Local Government Finance Settlement

This is a statement from Jo Miller, President of Solace, in response to the provisional 2018/19 Local Government Finance Settlement: “It will come as a relief to most local authorities that the planning assumptions underpinning the budget proposals they have already had to go out to public consultation on are not significantly challenged by the […]

Statement from Martin Swales, Spokesperson for Economic Prosperity and Housing, in response to the publication of the Industrial Strategy White Paper

This is a statement from Martin Swales, Solace Spokesperson for Economic Prosperity and Housing, in response to the publication of the Industrial Strategy White Paper: “Solace believes that national prosperity is rooted in unlocking local prosperity. The very welcome recognition of “place” as one of the five foundations of the Industrial Strategy shows that Government […]

Statement from Martin Swales, Solace spokesperson on Economic Prosperity and Housing, looking ahead to the Industrial Strategy White Paper

“Solace welcomes the Government’s announcement earlier this week to provide more R&D investment and transport infrastructure, both of which are critical components of supporting economic growth. However, as recent downgrading of productivity estimates show, there is still much to do, not least in reducing the economic disparities we see across the country. The Industrial Strategy […]

Statement from Martin Swales, Solace spokesperson on Economic Prosperity and Housing, on the housing borrowing cap announcement in the 2017 Budget

This is a statement from Martin Swales, Solace Spokesperson for Economic Prosperity and Housing, in response to the announcement in the 2017 Budget on the housing borrowing cap: “Solace agree with the Government that we need to see a big increase in all types of homes being built. History has shown us that we can […]

Statement from Solace President Jo Miller on the 2017 Budget

This is a statement from Jo Miller, President of Solace, in response to the 2017 Budget: Local government needs certainty, stability, and flexibility. Sadly, this Budget falls short, despite some positive measures. The Chancellor has set out a package of housing measures that stand to increase supply across the country. These could go even further […]

Solace President’s Welcome Speech 2017

Solace President Jo Miller’s welcome address to the 2017 Solace Summit. Last year I stood before you as your newly elected President – and thank you again for putting your faith in me – and gave you a taste of what you could expect from me. I spoke about the importance of female leadership, about […]

Solace publishes Initial Position Statement on Skills and Local Economic Growth

Yesterday Solace published an Initial Position Statement on Skills and Local Economic Growth. This is a statement from Martin Swales, Chief Executive of South Tyneside MBC and Solace Spokesperson on Economic Growth and Housing: Yesterday Solace launched its new paper on skills and local economic growth with the clear message that ‘Only by maximizing skills […]

Institute of Interim Management (IIM) Survey, 2017 – Results

The Institute of Interim Management annual survey is a key event in the world of interim management providers. The survey asks senior interim managers and their clients to rate providers, such as Solace in Business – against a series of criteria. Over 2.300 individuals took part in the survey, the full results are available here […]

ADASS Budget Survey 2017

This is a statement from Paul Najsarek, Solace Spokesperson for Community Wellbeing and Chief Executive of the London Borough of Ealing, in response to the ADASS Budget Survey 2017: It’s clear from the survey that though the additional injections of funding have been welcome, this has only temporarily held the system back from tipping over […]

Statement from Solace President Jo Miller on the 2017 Queen’s Speech

This is a statement from Jo Miller, Solace President and Chief Executive of Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council in response to the June 2017 Queen’s Speech: I am disappointed that key legislation – absolutely fundamental to ensuring the future sustainability of local government – has now been dropped. Local government urgently needs clarity around our future […]

Statement from Solace President Jo Miller on the UK General Election 2017

This is a statement from Jo Miller, President of Solace, following the UK general election held on 8 June 2017. Solace would like to congratulate all Returning Officers, Elections Administrators and their staff on the successful running of another smooth, efficient and robust election. In recent years we have borne witness to an unprecedented number […]

CfPS, Solace and The Alliance for Useful Evidence publish new guide to help councils make evidence based decisions and counter ‘fake news’

Solace, the Centre for Public Scrutiny and The Alliance for Useful Evidence (supported by Nesta) are today publishing guidance for local government scrutineers aimed at helping councils make better, evidence-based decisions. Using evidence in scrutiny: A practice guide for local government scrutiny sets out the importance of evidence-based decision making in local government policy, how to […]

Supporting our electoral administrators: Letter from Solace President Jo Miller

This is a letter sent by Solace President Jo Miller, Chief Executive of Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council to fellow Chief Executives in England, as well as regional leads in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: Dear Colleague, On behalf of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers, following last week’s local and mayoral […]

Solace responds to the Industrial Strategy Green Paper

This is a statement from Martin Swales, Chief Executive of South Tyneside Metropolitan Council and Solace Spokesperson on Economic Prosperity and Housing: Solace welcomes the Industrial Strategy. Solace believes that the focus on solid economics within a context of local inclusive growth will positively support the UK economy. The policy intention of inclusive growth must […]

Diversity in our sector: Letter from Solace President Jo Miller

This is a letter sent by Solace President Jo Miller, Chief Executive of Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council t fellow Chief Executives in England, as well as regional leads in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: Dear Colleague, You may have seen recent coverage about the Northern Powerhouse conference, with only 1 in 7 female speakers, and […]

Statement from Solace President Jo Miller in response to the publication of the Housing White Paper

Today Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Sajid Javid introduced the Housing White Paper to Parliament and set out the Government’s housing strategy for England. This is a statement from Jo Miller, Solace President and Chief Executive of Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, in response: “Solace welcomes the publication of the White Paper which […]

Solace statement on publication of Government’s Industrial Strategy

Today Prime Minister Theresa May set out the Government’s plans for a Modern Industrial Strategy aimed to improve living standards and economic growth across the country. This is a statement from Martin Swales, Chief Executive of South Tyneside Council and Solace Spokesperson on Economic Growth and Housing, in response: “Solace welcomes the Government’s new Industrial […]

Statement from Solace President Jo Miller in response to the Local Government Financial Settlement

This is a statement from Jo Miller, Solace President and Chief Executive of Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, in response to the Local Government Financial Settlement: Whilst increasing the social care precept will give short term relief to a few local authorities, ultimately, relying on a regressive taxation system is not a long term solution to […]

Statement from Solace President Jo Miller in response to the Autumn Statement

This is a statement from Jo Miller, Solace President and Chief Executive of Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, in response to the Autumn statement: The measures announced in this year’s Autumn Statement to stimulate housing delivery, to devolve borrowing powers, and to support regional infrastructure, are welcome. However, the elephant in the room is social care. […]

Statement from Martin Swales, Solace Spokesperson on Economic Prosperity and Housing, in response to the Autumn Statement

This is a statement from Martin Swales, Chief Executive of South Tyneside Council and Solace Spokesperson on Economic Prosperity and Housing, in response to the Autumn Statement. “The Chancellor today has announced a set of measures from national government that recognise the urgency of the housing challenge. The link made between housing supply and infrastructure […]

New Solace President’s Address

Delivered by Jo Miller, Chief Executive, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council at the Solace Annual Summit on Wednesday 12 October 2016. When our much awaited first child was born, my husband’s first words were: ‘Blimey Jo, it’s enormous!’ After some berating by me, we established said child was male, and in good working order. I’ll never […]

Solace elects a new President

Over the last week, Solace members have been asked to elect a new Solace President. This is a statement from Gavin Jones, interim Chair of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (Solace) in relation to the election: “Mark Rogers (CEO Birmingham) concludes his term of office as Solace President at the […]

Solace and LGA joint submission to the Ofsted ‘Future of Social Care’ consultation

On 9th September 2016 Solace responded jointly with the LGA to the Ofsted consultation on ‘The Future of Social Care Inspection’. We welcomed the opportunity to respond to Ofsted’s consultation on the future of social care inspection. We also welcomed the shift towards more proportionate inspections the proposals indicate. However, our response also highlights: – […]

Solace statement in response to the launch of the review into the role of local authorities in children’s services

On Wednesday 13 July then Secretary of State for Education Nicky Morgan MP outlined plans in a speech titled ‘Local Excellent Everywhere’ for a review into the future role of local authorities in children’s services and education. This is a response from Phil Norrey, Solace Spokesperson for Children and Families and Chief Executive of Devon […]

Solace Statement: Tribute to Harold Bodmer

“Solace is saddened to learn of the death of Harold Bodmer, Executive Director of Adult Social Services at Norfolk County Council, ADASS President and Solace member. The tributes paid this week reflect his high standing right across the sector and that he worked incredibly hard to improve social care both in Norfolk and across the […]

Solace statement in response to Education Select Committee report on social work reform

On Wednesday 13 July the Commons Education Select Committee released their report titled ‘Social Work Reform’ which raises concerns about current government policy around children’s social work. This is a response from Phil Norrey, Solace Spokesperson for Children and Families and Chief Executive of Devon County Council: The acknowledgment this report gives to the huge […]

Solace letter to the new Prime Minister

Today Solace has sent a letter to the new Prime Minister, Rt Hon Theresa May MP, offering support in transforming public services. The letter sets out a clear and positive offer from the management of local government to the new Government. It outlines key areas where greater transformation is required and where we want to […]

Solace statement on the outcome of the EU Referendum

On Thursday 23th June 2016, Britain voted in a historic referendum on the membership of the European Union. This is a statement from Mark Rogers, Chief Executive at Birmingham City Council and Solace President: “The UK has decided to leave the European Union and take powers back from Brussels. This means local government should be […]

Solace unites with industry bodies to drive local digital leadership

In a new paper released today, Solace, Socitm the LGA, and the Local CIO Council jointly call for local leaders to champion digital innovation in their own authorities, as a vital step in building shared services and delivering place-based policy. The paper presents compelling case studies of local government and public sector organisations that have […]

Solace statement on the Government’s announcement to drop compulsory ‘Academisation’

On 6th May 2016 Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan MP, announced that the Government would be dropping plans to legislate to make it compulsory for all schools to become Academies. This is a statement from Phil Norrey, Chief Executive of Devon County Council, and Solace Spokesperson for Children and Families in response: “Many […]

Solace statement on the Budget 2016

On 16th March 2016 the Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered the 2016 Budget. This is a statement from Graeme McDonald, Director of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (SOLACE), in response: SOLACE has previously argued that the financial settlement for local government needs a radical overhaul and that what is proposed […]

Solace statement on compulsory schools ‘Academisation’

On 16 March 2016, the Chancellor delivered his annual Budget, including the announcement that by 2020 every school must become an Academy. This is a statement from Phil Norrey, Solace Spokesperson for Children and Families and Chief Executive of Devon County Council: Today’s announcement on compulsory ‘Academisation’, which was trailed in last year’s spending review, […]

Solace statement on the Local Government Financial Settlement

On 17th December the Government announced the Local Government Financial Settlement. This is a statement from Mark Rogers, President of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (SOLACE) in response to the announcement. SOLACE is supportive of the confirmation in today’s settlement that there will be full business rate localisation by the […]

Solace statement on the Prime Minister’s announcement on Children’s Services

On Monday 14th December 2015 the Prime Minister announced new measures to intervene to tackle ‘struggling’ children’s services. This is a response from Phil Norrey, Solace spokesperson for Children and Families and Chief Executive of Devon County Council. We welcome the recognition from the Prime Minister that how we deliver Children’s Services up and down […]

Solace ‘Addressing the Housing Challenge’ policy paper published today

On Monday 7 December 2015, Solace published a policy paper entitled ‘Addressing the National Housing Challenge’. This is a statement from Martin Swales, Solace Spokesperson on Economic Prosperity and Housing and Chief Executive of South Tyneside Council. “Housing delivery and affordable housing supply stands as one of the major social challenges that the country is […]

Solace response to the Chancellor’s Spending Review 2015

On 25th November the Chancellor of the Exchequer set out the 2015 Spending Review. This is a statement from Mark Rogers, President of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (Solace). While a number of today’s announcements will be welcomed in local government, measures such as the ability to retain 100% of […]

Solace statement on the announcement of local retention of business rates

On Monday 5th October 2015, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced that local authorities will be able to keep the income raised from business rates. This is a statement from Paul Martin, Solace spokesperson for local government finance and Chief Executive of the London Borough of Wandsworth, in response. George Osborne’s announcement is very […]

Solace statement on the Rural Productivity Plan:

On Thursday 20 August 2015 the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, and Environment Secretary, Elizabeth Truss have published the Government’s first ever Rural Productivity Plan. This is a statement from Manjeet Gill, Solace Deputy Spokesperson on Housing and Chief Executive of West Lindsey District Council, in response. “The measures set out in the Rural […]

Solace joint response with the LGA to the consultation on Local Authority Public Health Allocations 2015/16 In-Year Savings

Over August the government ran a consultation on the technical options for delivering a £200 million saving to the 2015/16 public health grant to local authorities. SOLACE responded jointly with the LGA. Our response states that at a time when the Government has issued its firm commitment to the NHS Five Year Forward View, with […]

Solace joint response with ADCS and the LGA to the consultation on Joint Targeted Area Inspections

The ADCS, the LGA, and Solace have today, Tuesday 11 August, submitted a formal response to the consultation issued by Ofsted on plans to introduce a new joint targeted area inspection (JTAI). The recognition that local authorities are not the sole agency responsible for safeguarding children was welcomed by the three associations, as was the […]

Solace statement on the Emergency Budget

On Wednesday 8th July 2015, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced his Emergency Budget 2015. This is a statement from Graeme McDonald, Director of Solace, in response: The living wage is a policy pioneered across many councils and its broader use is to be welcomed. Local government will need support to ensure services for […]

Solace statement on the Emergency Budget: Martin Swales, Solace Spokesperson on Economic Prosperity and Housing

On Wednesday 8 July 2015 the Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered the 2015 Emergency Budget, following the General Election in May. This is a statement from Martin Swales, Solace Spokesperson on Economic Prosperity and Housing and Chief Executive of South Tyneside Council, in response. “The Chancellor has made proposals to raise rents on council tenants […]

Solace statement on the announced closure of the College of Social Work

This week it was announced the College of Social Work is to close. This is a statement from Phil Norrey, Solace Spokesperson on Children and Families and Chief Executive of Devon County Council, in response: “We’re extremely disappointed to hear the news that the College of Social Work is going to be scrapped due to […]

Queens Speech Solace Briefing 2015

Download the report by clicking the link.

Solace statement in response to the Chancellor’s announcement outlining city devolution plan for England

On Thursday 14th May 2015 in his first speech of the new parliament, the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne offered major cities in England power over skills, transport, housing, planning, and healthcare if they agree to be governed by a directly elected mayor. The Chancellor invited cities to follow the example of Manchester, the […]

Solace statement following the UK election held on 7th May 2015

This is a statement from Graeme McDonald, Director of Solace, following the UK election held on 7 May 2015. On 7 May 2015, as well as the UK General Election, local government elections also took place in 279 English councils. In total, 161 local authorities had all out elections and there were 6 mayoral elections. […]

Code of Ethics for Local Public Service Senior Managers

This week Solace is launching a call for evidence on a new Code of Ethics for Local Public Service Senior Managers. This is a statement from Graeme McDonald, Director of Solace, on the project. Professional bodies of senior managers across local public services have come together to develop a code of ethics for their members. […]

Catherine Staite, Director of INLOGOV appointed as Local Government Research Facilitator

On Friday 1st May 2015, the Society for Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (Solace), the Local Government Association, and the Economic and Social Research Council have appointed Catherine Staite, Director of the Institute of Local Government Studies (INLOGOV) at the University of Birmingham, to a new role as Local Government Research Facilitator to […]

Inspecting children’s services in a different way

The Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS), the Local Government Association (LGA) and Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (Solace) today publishes a tri-partite policy position paper outlining a new approach to the inspection of children’s services. The three associations are seeking to advance the case for a more focussed, flexible and proportionate regime. […]

Solace statement on National CSE Awareness Day

Wednesday 18 March is ‘National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day’. To mark the day, this is a statement from Mark Rogers, Solace President and Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council. Child Sexual Exploitation is a vicious and deep-rooted strain of sexual abuse which irrevocably damages the lives of children and young people. Tackling this abuse […]

Solace response to the 2015 Budget

On 18 March 2015, the Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered the 2015 Budget. This is a statement from the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (Solace) in response. This Budget reminds us of the formidable task facing public services in the next Parliament. Whoever forms the next Government, we need a radical […]

Solace statement on Ofsted Social Care Annual Report

On 10th March 2015 Ofsted published their annual report on social care. This is a statement from Mark Rogers, President of Solace and Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council, in response. This report usefully highlights the ever-increasing strain local authorities are coming under from rising demand, new challenges and significantly diminishing resources. It also graphically […]

Solace Insights Report Launched

On 26th February 2015 Solace released ‘Solace Insights – changing local services’. The report, sponsored by CapacityGrid, measures the mood in local government and outlines some clear and important messages to the sector and our partners. This is a statement from Graeme McDonald, Director of Solace, to support the publication. Solace members see a predictable, […]

Solace statement on departure of Joanna Killian from Essex County Council

On 24 February 2015 Essex County Council announced that Chief Executive Joanna Killian, also the Chair of Solace Group, will be leaving the authority to take up a role as Partner at KPMG. This is a short statement from Mark Rogers, President of Solace and Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council, in response. On behalf […]

Solace statement elaborating on the Solace position on Individual Electoral Registration (IER)

This is a statement from Dr. Dave Smith, Chair of the Solace Elections and Democratic Renewal Board and Chief Executive at Sunderland City Council, elaborating on the Solace position on IER. Solace has worked with partners including the Electoral Commission, Cabinet Office and Association of Electoral Administrators to safeguard the quality of electoral processes at […]

Solace response to Independent Commission on Local Government Finance

On 18 February 2015 the Independent Commission on Local Government Finance, established by the LGA and CIPFA and chaired by Darra Singh, released its final report. This is a statement from Graeme McDonald, Director of Solace, in response. This review is a clear and unambiguous statement of the unsustainability of the current local government financial […]

Solace response to Inspection of Rotherham MBC

On 4 February 2015, the Government published the report of Louise Casey’s inspection of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. This is a statement from Mark Rogers, President of Solace and Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council, in response. Today’s report makes upsetting and troubling reading. For too long, key agencies in Rotherham did not properly safeguard […]

Solace response to the Elphicke-House report on the role of local government in housing

On 27th January, the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) published an independent report from a review led jointly by Natalie Elphicke and Keith House. The review considered how councils can help to increase housing supply for their communities across all tenures. This is a statement from Manjeet Gill, Solace Deputy Spokesperson on Housing […]

Solace response to PAC report on the Financial Sustainability of Local Authorities

On 28th January the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) published their report on the Financial Sustainability of Local Authorities. This is a statement from Graeme McDonald, Director of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (Solace) in response. This report confirms the immense scale of the financial challenge facing local government. Continued reductions without a coherent […]

Solace statement on health and care reform

On 27th January Labour announced their “10-year plan” for the NHS. This is a statement from Jo Farrar, Solace Spokesperson on Community Wellbeing and Chief Executive of Bath and North East Somerset Council setting out the Society’s views on health and care reform. We need to secure a cross-party consensus about how we create a […]