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23rd July 2019

Solace response to the prevention green paper

Solace response to the prevention green paper

Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Community Wellbeing, said: “A commitment to put prevention at the centre of decision-making at both a national and local level to further enhance integrated working between local authorities and the NHS for the benefit of our communities is welcomed.

“We encourage the new Prime Minister and their administration to follow through on the ambition of this Green Paper to ensure that all Government departments embrace a preventative approach to health and wellbeing building on what has worked to date, as well as addressing the challenges we still face.

“The recent reaffirmation of Councils’ role to lead on public health indicates the pivotal part that local government plays in prevention. But it is also the role local authorities play in areas such as employment, housing, air quality, community safety and early years which are the core of an effective national agenda on prevention.

“In view of this, we stand ready to work with the Government to help implement the Green Paper’s aims and realise its ambitions.

“However, it is absolutely vital that the next Spending Review is used as an opportunity to properly fund local government, including preventative and early intervention services, and do so in a way that enables councils to co-ordinate a range of activities across a place to the greatest effect.

“Effective local government will be key to realising the aims and ambitions of the Prevention Green Paper. With adequate resources and devolved powers, we are ready as leaders in our places to drive this agenda forward, secure the best outcomes for our residents, and enable them to live a full and longer life.”