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11th February 2021

Solace response to the health white paper

Paul Najsarek, Solace spokesperson for Health & Social Care, said: “A move to strengthen the ways in which local authorities and the NHS work together is to be welcomed. It is only through genuine partnership working that we will be able to collectively deliver better outcomes for our residents, and these proposals provide a platform to support devolution and joint working in local places and communities.

“But this is just one piece in the puzzle. Public health reforms are underway while we still await the publication of the Government’s long-mooted plan for social care. Getting each of these elements right, and ensuring that there is a clear understanding of the roles, responsibilities and accountability structures at a local level, will be key.

“But most crucial of all the Government must ensure the whole health and care system is underpinned by a truly sustainable financial settlement so that councils and our health partners are able to work together to fundamentally address the wider determinants of health and radically improve peoples’ life chances.

“Solace stands ready to work with the Government on all of these incredibly important issues for our people and places.”