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Consultation Responses

12th January 2023

Solace submission to the Hewitt Review

The Hewitt Review is considering how the oversight and governance of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) can best enable them to succeed, balancing greater autonomy and robust accountability.

Solace is committed to strengthening the ways in which local authorities and the NHS work
together. It is only through genuine partnership working that we will be able to drive
improvements in population health, support social and economic development, and address
the many health inequalities which have been further exposed and exacerbated by the
Covid-19 pandemic.

Local authorities, as key collaborators and conveners in a place, have a unique role to play in
particular relation to addressing inequalities and driving positive social and economic
improvements in each locality, while working in close collaboration with their health and
third sector partners.

While it is in everyone’s interests to drive improvements across the country we must avoid
attempting to apply a ‘one size fits all’ approach to effective integration – local systems
should be empowered and trusted to do what is in the best interests of the people and
places they serve.

Click the link to read Solace’s submission to the Hewitt Review in full.