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11th July 2024

Solace Play Report: Councils poised to deliver Government’s missions if properly supported

The Government’s five missions will be impossible without Councils playing a significant role in delivery, a new report from Solace argues, though it will require swift action from Ministers to deliver a sustainable financial package for the sector, investment in its workforce and a heightened focus on prevention to recover.

Entitled ‘Play’, the report represents Solace’s take on ‘the state of the local nation’ in England and outlines all of Solace’s key policy asks of the new Government, covering each of the portfolio areas represented on Solace’s Policy Board. ‘Play’ is the second of three reports to be released this year to celebrate Solace’s 50th anniversary.

The report specifically calls on Ministers to:

  1. Deliver a truly sustainable multi-year funding settlement for local government.
  2. Shift more spending towards social infrastructure, with a specific focus on prevention/early intervention initiatives.
  3. Address the workforce capacity and capability crisis facing the local public sector.

Solace President Matt Prosser said: “This report sets out a broad offer to the new Government. It is clear their missions will need healthy councils to deliver them, with the manifesto outlining over 100 commitments requiring local government engagement. We hope our suggestions help set the long-term path forward and that we begin to see the fundamental reset of the relationship between central and local government that ministers have already pledged. The ‘Play’ report is a blueprint for success, not for local government, but the local communities and people we are proud to serve.”

Solace Managing Director Graeme McDonald said: “As apolitical public servants with granular expertise of the implementation of policies across a place, Solace members are unique placed to ensure that the new Government can achieve the best possible outcomes for communities across the UK. Be it in kicking starting economic growth; clean energy; reducing crime; breaking down barriers to opportunity; or building the future NHS, local government will be an important lever in change.”

To read the report in full, click here.



About Solace

Solace is the UK’s leading membership network for public sector and local government professionals. We currently represent more than 1,700 members across the UK, and have regional branches across the country which play host to a number of events such as regional development days, skills days and networking opportunities.

It’s creation first mooted in 1962, before urban and rural town clerks came together into one society, Solace’s official formation eventually ran concurrently with local government reorganisation in 1974.

Earlier this year, Solace published the first of its three 50th anniversary reports, ‘Rewind’, exploring the role of the council chief executive over the last five decades. Read the Rewind report in full here. Solace will conclude its 50th anniversary report series this autumn with the ‘Fast Forward’ report, which will explore the future of local government.

Solace’s Policy Board is comprised of Chief Executives and senior officers from local authorities across England, as listed here.