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Solace blog

6th October 2022

MJ Article: Growth solution’s key component, Robin Tuddenham

The 2022 Solace Summit takes place in Birmingham next week. Ahead of the flagship event on 12-14 October, Robin Tuddenham says a properly funded, truly empowered local government can unlock local growth, ushering in a new approach for a new era.

“The new Prime Minister has made it clear from her leadership campaign through to taking up office that growth and the economy are her top priority and that she is prepared to act decisively. Recent events have shown her degree of intent in that regard. What does this mean for local government and public services, and what might the sector’s position be?

Going into the chancellor’s recent ‘fiscal event’, the UK was set to have the slowest growth in the G7 group of countries, while the Bank of England had warned our economy may already be in recession. The economic outlook is now looking even more challenging following the reaction of the financial markets to the chancellor’s announcements…”

Click here to read the full article by Robin Tuddenham, Solace spokesperson for Economic Prosperity, on the MJ.