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Solace blog

25th June 2024

LGC Article: Local Government must be prepared to change, Graeme McDonald

“While it surprised many of us – and let us spare a thought for returning officers, many of whom have barely had time to draw breath from May’s elections – the timing of the general election does perhaps help in one important regard. Much later in the year and there would have been little time to properly consider public finances and, in all likelihood, a rolled over settlement for councils that would bring many more Section 114 notices closer.

“A July election, however, gives a small window for greater consideration of local government’s financial position. And a key task for the sector during the summer will be impressing on the new government the fragility of councils’ financial system and the need for investment.

“Councils will need more funding to meet rising costs and rising demand, as well as reassurance that exceptional financial support remains in place for those unable to cope until a more permanent long-term solution is found…”

Click here to read the full article by Graeme McDonald, Solace Managing Director, on the LGC.